
👷🏻‍♀️Project – Stars By The Harbour Wine, Cigar, and Whiskey Cabinets🍷🥃

👷🏻‍♀️️工程項目-維港星岸 紅酒櫃、雪茄櫃及威士忌櫃🍷🥃 設計風格 Vina設計團隊會跟據客戶的喜愛,為客戶創造出獨一無二的設計風格。這次設計師採用了無縫拼接的不鏽鋼門板外型設計、外觀整體性、平滑、光亮。酒櫃內部層架配被特色的實木層板及可調節光亮的LED燈帶。優質的選配加強了對紅酒儲存環境的穩定性。 威士忌酒櫃配被了,不鏽鋼框架加上超白光玻璃層板,外觀整體簡潔、穩固漂亮。 雪茄櫃配備了Vina獨有的溫濕度系統,能夠給予客戶珍藏的雪茄,儲存在一個優質的環境存放。 整個紅酒柜系統配合了我們自家研發的KitSense 物聯網IOT系統,能夠有效率地監察櫃內的所有溫度濕度變化。使客戶能夠任何時間都可以,檢查收藏品的24/H狀況 總結整體設計上,Vina團隊這次用上不銹鋼及木材設計,再加上KitSense智能系統。使整個項目每個細節及感覺,都糅合了現代及科技感。 👷🏻‍♀️Project – Stars By The Harbour Wine, Cigar, and Whiskey Cabinets🍷🥃 Design Concept Vina’s design team tailors unique styles to client preferences. This project features seamless stainless steel door panels, creating unity and elegance. Wine cabinets boast wooden shelves and adjustable LED lighting, enhancing stability. Whiskey cabinets combine stainless steel frames and clear glass shelves for a sleek look. Our exclusive temperature-controlled system ensures optimal cigar storage. The integrated KitSense IoT system monitors temperature and humidity, providing real-time updates 24/7. The blend of stainless steel, wood, and KitSense tech results in a modern and sophisticated design.